Posteriormente brotó suavemente y no se le tocó nada hasta que el año pasado la pincé porque despuntaba demasiado.
Este año ya me he metido con el modelado para poder pinzar con objeto de rellenar los pisos de verde.
Vamos con los enlaces y las fotos
Some time has passed since my last post about this oak (quercus ilex). During the 2014 repotting the tree suffers a lot. The tree was so bad I though it whould have passed. It is true the repotting was quite agressive because the soil was so compacted that seemed like concrete. Thanks to the greenhouse + the heating bed I could support the tree alive till early june when the heat arrive and the tree started to grow. I still have doubts about if repotted the tree 2 weeks earlier or a kind of funghus attack happened somehow. Since then I use previcur as a preventive agent to avoid funghus attacks.
After the tree started to grow slowly I don't touch it till last summer when I prunned it to stop the growings.
This year I started with the shaping in order to start to prun in summer the tree to fill the canopy with leaves.
Let's go with links and pictures.
Marzo 2012 - - Recuperación
March 2012 - Collecting day.
Otoño 2013 - primer modelado
Autumn 2013 - First shappiing
Abril 2014 - Trasplante
April 2014 - Repotting
Junio 2014 - por fin dió signos de vida
June 2014 - Finally it gave living signs
Febrero 2016 - Segundo modelado
February 2016 - Second shapping
Ya tenia ganas de modelar el arbol. Han pasado 4 años desde la recuperación y los errores cometidos por una vez no han acabado con el árbol... Esta vez decidí que la copa tenia que compactarse más y retroceder más hacia el nebari, de otro modo el árbol hubiera parecido un inclinado mas o menos mediocre desde mi punto de vista. La rama principal shashieda tiene mucho carácter y el ápice no puede sino seguir la misma orientación.
I was looking forward to shape again the tree. 4 years had passed since the collecting and by once the mistakes that I made did not finish with the tree... This time I decided to compact a bit more the canopy and to drop down to the nebari, otherwise the shape would be as a comon slanting tree with any grace. Principal branch sashieda has a lot of carácter and the appex must follow shahieda direction.
Espero que os haya gustado!
I hope you enjoyed it!